Update 2: It is possible that Silk was referring to shedding rather than Diamond being directly vaxxed. We’ve reached out through an acquaintance for clarification.
Update: As some have noted, I did not mention that Diamond was against the vaccines, so it doesn’t make sense that she would have been jabbed. But as my friend Steve Kirsch has noted, many have been jabbed before coming out against the jabs… including him. It would behoove Silk to clarify but based on her statement she was insinuating Diamond was jabbed.
Original Article: Rumors are a horrible thing in news and 99 times out of 100, I ignore them. When the rumors come from anonymous sources, it’s a near certainty that I’ll disregard them completely. But I find I’m on the receiving end of an important piece of information from a source that wishes to remain anonymous, so I have a conundrum.
After watching the statement by Rochelle “Silk” Richardson at the funeral of Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway, I decided to simply ask a question. It’s clear that she believes the Covid-19 “vaccines” at least contributed to Diamond’s death. Did she avoid mentioning the jabs directly because Donald Trump was there?
Her speech had a few references that are often attributed to “vaccine truthers.” She said, “don’t you dare call me a conspiracy theorist.”
The day she died, Diamond finished a phone call and told Silk she couldn’t breath. Her breathing slowed until it stopped. Silk performed CPR as advised by the 911 operator. After detailing the events, she called for an investigation, not just into Diamond’s death but the deaths of others who are dying “suddenly,” which is another phrase associated with the jabs.
“I was there when it happened, and it happened suddenly,” she said. “I want America to wake up and pay attention. Something ain’t right. It’s time to investigate what’s really going on here and get some answers to why are people falling dead suddenly.”
The only thing missing from Silk’s statements was the word “vaccine.” Otherwise, it’s a standard plea that we’ve heard from “conspiracy theorists” and anti-vaxxers for two years. I’ve said those same things myself dozens of times.
BREAKING: Silk reveals the possible reason for Diamond's death. WATCH! #RipDiamond pic.twitter.com/EvWh1PlJsj
— RSBN ?? (@RSBNetwork) January 21, 2023
Here’s the transcript from the clip:
As soon as Diamond hung up the phone, she said to me, “I can’t breathe.” It was sudden, out of nowhere and no warning. I got her to the kitchen table, opened up the back door so that she can get some air. And, each breath was less and less and less, until her eyes became a stare… My husband and I followed the 911 instructions from the lady. We laid her. Like they told us to lay her flat. They said do CPR. And it was one-two-three-four, one-two-three-four, one-two-three-four… My husband and I alternated and kept going and going and going, until the emergency truck came into the yard and the EMS came into the house. They did everything that they could.
So what I want to say to everybody is don’t you dare call me a conspiracy theorist. Because I saw it happen. I saw how it happened. I was there when it happened and it happened suddenly. I want America to wake up and pay attention. Something ain’t right. It’s time to investigate what’s really going on here! And get some answers to why our people are falling dead suddenly.
Silk is a huge supporter of Donald Trump’s. He gave the eulogy for his lost friend. But he has remained steadfast in his support of the Covid vaccines and has recently claimed his Operation Warp Speed saved 100 million people. While he has always opposed vaccine mandates of any kind, he has never acknowledged the increasing number of adverse reactions or how the jabs are tied directly to the rise of “cause of death unknown” cases in the United States and beyond.
According to my source, Silk did not and will not publicly blame the vaccines directly out of respect for Trump, who she hopes to be the next President of the United States for another term. But my source says she is very concerned the jabs killed Diamond.
For whatever reason, Trump has not acknowledged the increasing likelihood that the experimental injections are killing people suddenly. Was Diamond a victim of the jabs? We don’t know, but Silk seems to think so. Maybe she can make Trump listen.
Independent Journalism Is Dying
Ever since President Trump’s miraculous victory, we’ve heard an incessant drumbeat about how legacy media is dying. This is true. The people have awakened to the reality that they’re being lied to by the self-proclaimed “Arbiters of Truth” for the sake of political expediency, corporate self-protection, and globalist ambitions.
But even as independent journalism rises to fill the void left by legacy media, there is still a huge challenge. Those at the top of independent media like Joe Rogan, Dan Bongino, and Tucker Carlson are thriving and rightly so. They have earned their audience and the financial rewards that come from it. They’ve taken risks and worked hard to get to where they are.
For “the rest of us,” legacy media and their proxies are making it exceptionally difficult to survive, let alone thrive. They still have a stranglehold over the “fact checkers” who have a dramatic impact on readership and viewership. YouTube, Facebook, and Google still stifle us. The freer speech platforms like Rumble and 𝕏 can only reward so many of their popular content creators. For independent journalists on the outside looking in, our only recourse is to rely on affiliates and sponsors.
But even as it seems nearly impossible to make a living, there are blessings that should not be disregarded. By highlighting strong sponsors who share our America First worldview, we have been able to make lifelong connections and even a bit of revenue to help us along. This is why we enjoy symbiotic relationships with companies like MyPillow, Jase Medical, and Promised Grounds. We help them with our recommendations and they reward us with money when our audience buys from them.
The same can be said about our preparedness sponsor, Prepper All-Naturals. Their long-term storage beef has a 25-year shelf life and is made with one ingredient: All-American Beef.
Even our faith-driven precious metals sponsor helps us tremendously while also helping Americans protect their life’s savings. We are blessed to work with them.
Independent media is the future. In many ways, that future is already here. While the phrase, “the more the merrier,” does not apply to this business because there are still some bad actors in the independent media field, there are many great ones that do not get nearly enough attention. We hope to change that one content creator at a time.
Thank you and God Bless,
JD Rucker
Sad to say about Trump, but he will continue his stance about the “vaccine”. People may say Trump is controlled by “big pharma”. Is Trump controllable? Yes he is. To control Trump, you just attach it to his pride (sorry the secret is out). Will Trump get my vote? I will go with whoever will protect our children, if not, there is no future. Trump is not the one at the moment.
Trump was lied to about the vaccines. Don’t loose sight of the ball.
The problem isn’t that he was lied too. There was a large market share and billions of dollars on the table for the first pharmaceutical company to introduce a COVID vaccine with indemnity as well, making for a toxic situation. With human nature in mind as well as his business acumen, he should have considered the possibility that he was being lied too. Why didn’t he? If you say he trusted the FDA regulators, I say look at Vioxx. If he can be punk’d so easily, what does that mean going forward? Don’t tell me Trump is blameless; he was the manager.
Ok I’ll buy that 3 years ago. It has been obvious for a very long time that the vaccines have been neither effector nor safe. Yet DJT is too arrogant to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Instead he continues with his narrative in spite the untold millions it puts at risk of dying. This is arrogance to the point of evil!
Trump cares more about not admitting that he was punk’d, than he does victims of OWS.
and? and what – three years later and he still supports the biggest mass-murder in human history???? Really? Is he that dumb? if you answer yes – he’s not intellectually competent to be potus, if you answer no – he’s also not to be supported for potus. Either way, 3 years on, trump or anyone else still supporting or defending the marxist-globalist death-shots is aligned with satanic evil. Ron DeSantis is warring against that evil.
Stop making no excuses. Trump failed to get more experts involved before allowing the shutdowns vaccines and masking to take place. The people making excuses for him sound like fools. Trump didn’t have the common sense to realize that after being attacked for three years that a democrat supported pro Hillary Fauci would be lying then he has no business holding office.
Trump’s pictures at Davos and the video of him at Jeffrey Epstein’s house in the 1990’s tell the story. Not to mention how he’s always been close to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
When trump left office, the vaccine had 2 ingredients..hydroxi and salene…after Biden stepped in, 3 more were added
No Beckett – that really is a tale.
Not true. The vaccine was dangerous and ineffective from day one. Also unnecessary since nearly all covid deaths in the beginning were elderly flu deaths blown out of proportion by the media to create hysteria for the gullible.
You idiot!
Trump took the word of those he thought he could trust. It turns out he was lied to and manipulated.
Perhaps, if you pulled your head out of your rear end, and fed some oxygen to that feeble mind of yours, you might figure that out!
You idiot!
Trump went BANKRUPT, and was bailed out by ASHKENAZI JEWS the ROTHSCHILDS.
Historical FACT.
His entire cabinet was filled with JEWS HE APPOINTED.
Why does 2% of the population get 85% of the representation in our “government”?
Perhaps, if you pulled your head out of your @$$, and fed some O2 to that feeble mind of yours, you might figure that out!
ReichsWEF ‘23: Death Squared – by Will Zoll – Prussia Gate
perhaps if you think about your own claim – that trump was fooled – you’ll ask yourself 1. how could he be that dumb? 2. why wasnt I or millions of others with half a wit of sense also fooled? 3. three years on, after all thats happened and been seen, and still believing and supporting it? do the math.
Who’s the idiot? Trump thought he could trust Clinton supporting democrat operative and incompetent longtime bureaucrat Anthony Fauci? That’s what your going with. Not too bright are you.
Your problem is you “voting” and thinking some magical man you “elect” will “protect the children”.
Because YOU will not protect the children, THERE IS NO FUTURE.
Because YOU wait for someone else to come along and do YOUR JOB…
Trump made vaccines, Face Masks and Lockdowns, all NOT MANDATORY.
Go back and lick your CIA overlords balls
Trump made the vaccines NOT MANDATORY face Masks, too!
Trump made vaccines NOT MANDATORY, Face Masks too. He recommended good valid vaccine for very elderly and ill but not anyone else!
Trump says coronavirus will ‘go away without a vaccine’
It really doesn’t matter what Trump says at this point. DeSantis is over 1.5 years ahead of him on the most important issue of the day…by far.
I used to think he was just dumb for not figuring out what is going on. Now I am slowly thinking more sinister thoughts. Because at this point, not even Fauci is saying the Jab saved 100,000,000 lives.
Nobody I know is pro vax. Trump is, by far, the most pro vax person out there.
DeSantis 2024.
Has DeSantis labeled the jabs deadly? No, remember he was conned also or was it for political gain like Trump. They’re all in on it. Don’t fall the, ‘but they didn’t mandate it’ BS….’You can beat your wife but I’m not going force you to’.
Amen !
No reason to trash President Trump.
She did not but you will… gladly or something.
Shame on you.
Blind loyalty is not a good thing, people should be asking questions.
I agree that PDJT was mislead, Pence hired the Coronavirus Taskforce, he admitted it during an interview with Paul Bedard in May, 2020 & it appears that his wife said that he was running it during a later interview. Birx admitted that they mislead PDJT in her Book, but PDJT is still touting the Jabs, saying how great they are, that he saved 100M lives, whilst minimizing the injuries & deaths, during that phone interview.
However this is too big to sweep under the rug, our young people are dying & I worry about my family who took the Jab. My Son & Grandaughter are training & are going to participate in a Triathlon soon, I’m pretty stressed about that, I can tell you.
DeSantis will not come out against the. jabs causing adverse reactions either. Nor will he come out against election fraud..
Just forget about De Santis for a minute – he hasn’t even said that he is running yet.
This is all about PDJT.
He is against MANDATORY jabs. If if came out against vaccines he would be attacked for withholding “treatment”. Thanks to Desantis, et al, you are not required to take the vaccine.
But if you want to please by all means and as it is being administered CNN will be writing up the obituary
I personally have seen DeSantis speak twice.
It is extremely clear he is anti-vax.
Have you been living under a rock? DeSantis formed a grand jury to determine if the COVID-19 vaccine cartel perpetrated fraud on Floridians.
Although the FLCCC has the best information, if I had taken the jab or were forced at gunpoint, I would detoxify my body of spike proteins with a course of ivermectin and start a daily regimen of glynac (glycine and N-acetyl cysteine) for cellular repair. A recent study, “SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Induces Hemagglutination: Implications for COVID-19 Morbidities and Therapeutics and for Vaccine Adverse Effects,” determined that ivermectin can reverse the clumping of red blood cells as well. Good luck.
Grandaughter is a Paramedic, young, in her first placement & loves the job that she studied so hard for – had to get the Jab, but up to 2 months ago, I think that she thought that I was a crazy old lady – probably still does, though I got my son to refuse any more.
Trump was not mislead, if he was mislead he would agree to come out against the jab now that the whole world can see they are killing and maiming people, but HE REFUSES. Trump is in on it.
How low is your IQ, 40?
Dude I’ve been a trump supporter since Day One But even a blind man can see Trump’s pride and arrogance is getting in the way of his decision making process he’s so proud but the number “I saved 100 million people” that he’s not paying attention to what’s actually happened
Trump saved millions of lives and Western Civilization by preventing a 15 year lock down, simply by making experimental jabs Voluntary NOT MANDATORY.
Not too bright. Trump allowed the shutdowns which created the pandemic by interfering with herd immunity. Please stop talking
Your idolatry will not go unpunished.
Silk Insinuates Diamond Died From the Jabs — Did She Avoid Coming Out and Saying It Because Donald Trump Was There?
You say things that are personally governed by hatred true or not! ASSUMPTIONS are the mother of all evil foul-ups – just sayin’
I have nothing but love and appreciation for President Trump. I believe he won the 2020 election. I want him to be elected in 2024. However, I recognize he is a benign narcissist. It’s almost impossible for him to admit he was wrong about anything. So, unless Silk can reach his mind and heart in a private and profound way, he will remain unable to accept and admit the jabs are killing people.
Perhaps Silk could facilitate a meeting with doctors who could present the clear evidence to him in an impersonal business meeting; a meeting that will inform him of the data, while making it clear no one blames him; that we know he was doing his utmost to save us from an unknown disease, that we know he was manipulated and lied to. Dr Peter Breggin comes to mind as an excellent choice to organize how to approach Trump. Others would include doctors Peter McCullough, Robert Malone and doctors who Trump knows and respects.
Yes. Excellent post, Doreen. Dr. Scott Atlas also comes to mind, who was brought on board to bring some balance to Trump’s Covid team. Much prayer is needed on Donlad Trump’s behalf, and on behalf of those suffering as a result of this deadly jab.
Oops, I meant Donald. Comment section could use an edit feature, IMHO.
I read recently that Jared Kushner hired Dr Atlas.
Jared Kushner is a Zionst Jew SNAKE.
Pope Francis Is a Marxist and a Globalist of the New World Order ⋆ 🔔 The Liberty Daily
Doreen, I agree, but another problem, as I see it, is the huge numbers of people who died in Hospitals as a result of the payments of $39K for a Vent, plus the other payments for Diagnosis, Admission, Death from Covid etc. Facilities basically started mistreating people for money.
The whole thing was a mess, from not treating people until they couldn’t breathe, to keeping them on Vents & not utilizing Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine. I personally know people with Covid who were turned away & told to come back when they had SOB. Their relatives came from Texas & took them back there to get treatment.
I want to know who thought it was a good idea to pay hospitals for specific treatments. Then there is the Remdesivir, that I think is still being used despite it killing people.
My MiL was in hospital, after surgery in MA & right before they released her – they stuck her on a Vent for 2 hours. She had good Insurance.
I voted for PDJT twice, I donated thousands to his 2020 campaign, but I knew better than to take the rushed, untested Jab. I had Delta Covid & then Omicron 10 months later & I’m 70 & Asthmatic & I couldn’t even catch Covid in 2020, despite trying very hard.
You’ve never had “COVID”, stop pushing the bs virus narrative.
You should find another place to troll – yes I did have Covid twice – got Monoclonal Abs when I had Delta & I still don’t have my taste & smell back yet.
You never had “COVID” because COVID DOES NOT EXIST.
You should look up other things which can cause your so-called “symptoms”.
Radiation exposure happens to be one of them.
You talk like someone that has done no research. You talk like someone that hasn’t read Pasteur’s diaries.
You never had “COVID” because COVID DOES NOT EXIST. PROVABLE IN A COURT OF LAW. NO VIRUSES EXIST. You should look up other things which can cause your so-called “symptoms”. Radiation exposure happens to be one of them. You talk like someone that has done no research. You talk like someone that hasn’t read Pasteur’s diaries.
And WHY is this “awaiting moderation” again? Seriously?!?
BS virus narrative? What do you believe COIVID is? Snake venom in our water supply or something? I can tell you with certain that I caught COVID on May 4th, 2022. I was viewing the premiere of 2000 Mules in a crowded theater, becoming symptomatic on May 11th. I treated my infection with a five day course of 287 mcg/kg of IVM taken with 1.5 ounces of cod-liver oil, no water, making it a snoozefest. I am and shell remain unvaxxed.
You can tell me “with certain” (actually it’s “with certainty”)?
So, what you’re telling us all…FOR THE RECORD…that you took a culture from yourself, that you isolated this “virus” yourself, you did an end-to-end genomic sequencing YOURSELF, and you then took the necessary steps to prove beyond doubt that you had isolated an actual causation of disease by performing clinical trials that proved that you had isolated an actual infectious agent?
Or some idiot “doctor” TOLD you you had “COVID 19”?
Or you took some nonsense PCR test?
I’m going to assume you’re not a very bright individual and have never heard of the Rosenau Spanish Flu experiments from 1919 where they proved, BEYOND ANY DOUBT, that you CANNOT TRANSMIT DISEASE BETWEEN PEOPLE. You’ve NEVER HEARD of this, have you?
Be honest.
Let this ER trauma nurse clarify all the things you are wrong about.
1. The shutdowns created the pandemic not the coronavirus. The pandemic resulted from the lockdowns and social distancing interfering with herd immunity.
2. Very few people died from the coronavirus. The first year the flu didn’t magically drop 95%. Most of the early hysteria were old people dying from the flu. Happens every year. Not headline news until you want to stir up hysteria. Also explains why ER physicians were directed to stop testing for the flu.
3. People didn’t die because they waited until they couldn’t breathe to treat them. People died because they were intubated based on low oxygen levels reading in blood gases but with no shortness of breath, then forced to use a dangerous drug remdesivir which resulted in destroying their organs.
You don’t intimate people based on tests but symptoms.
It’s doubtful anyone not vaccinated got covid twice. Big how it works. The vaccines created the weakened immune system and the variants.
God, the MAGA CULT is worse than the Obama cult.
Go away trool. Get a purpose.
Why? He’s completely correct. You morons on the fictitious “right” are as deluded as the morons on the fictitious “left”.
There is no “left vs right”, that’s called “political theater for the idiot voters”.
Political PARTIES are there to DIVIDE. That’s what the word PARTY actually MEANS, genius. It’s not “party” as in, “Woo hoo! Time to tap the keg!” It’s “party” as in the root word is PART – VERB – TO SEPARATE; TO DIVIDE.
Word of advice. Get a purpose for yourself. Maybe reading BOOKS should be your purpose moving forward.
Pray for Trump’s salvation, that he repents and is baptized. His pride is beyond hope other than placing his faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
Trump loves Jews too much to be worrying about “Jesus”.
Can you take your ignorant anti semitism somewhere else troll
This conundrum MUST be resolved for the MAGA movement to go forward and succeed.
The reason you fail to see what is right in front of you is you are gripped with an IDEOLOGY rather than KNOWLEDGE.
There is no Conundrum, DeSantis is STANDING UP AGAINST EVERYTHING the Christian Right abhors, he is the only choice for President in 2024.
Sorry, no, DeSantis put on his little beanie hat, went to the Jew wall, and sucked on some proper Jew while proclaiming his allegiance to THEM.
Also, DeSantis was involved in inmate TORTURE at Guantanamo. Sorry, that’s not what I stand for.
It is not true, at all, that Trump is ‘controlled’ by ‘Big Pharma.’ Trump NEVER apologizes, NEVER explains. It’s just his M.O., so don’t bother asking or expecting it. Trump was lied to and manipulated by deceitful, evil men, as were countless others. It is a shame he was party to the damage done, but he was not a willing party. He ‘should’ mea culpa, but it’s never gonna happen; fuhgetaboutit. He will support investigations into those who knowingly lied and suppressed the truth. That’s what matters in the end.
Remember back when Covid hysteria was grip[ping the entire country? We tend to forget as much as possible some of the horrible things we witnessed. It’s a defense mechanism that allows us to carry on and face new challenges. Trump had to walk the fine line of getting something done about Covid; and being branded “anti-science” by the media. He was instrumental in ramping up production of masks, ventilators, and the vaccines. Turns out we didn’t need masks, most ventilators were either improperly used or not used and the vaccines were neither safe nor effective. Trump was going with the best advice at the time , sure it was bad advise but nobody knew it at the time. Trump also never advocated for mandated anything except travel. He always advocated for personal choice.
He still had a cabinet full of appointed Jews instead of a cabinet full of appointments that would be representative of the demographic of his “country”.
You won’t believe how many Communists infiltrated the Catholic Church in 1930s America – LifeSite
For Trump, the handling of the pandemic was not a one decision affair; it was a slow-motion train wreck that he could have avoided. In April of 2020, it was apparent that the FDA on down was running interference for the vaccine cartel, taking out any suggestions of early treatments. At that time, knowing about regulatory capture, I stated that Trump needed to have everyone from the CDC on down to recuse themselves of commenting about early treatment protocol or be fired. If he were the great business man that his most ardent supporters told us he was, during the presidential primaries of 2016, he should have done that, but he didn’t. He failed.
As conservatives, we always accuse liberals and leftist of disregarding merit. What the hell are we doing? Trump getting rolled by bureaucrats and big pharma has cost our country $10 trillion, another unnecessary war, and countless lives lost to COVID-19 and the “vaccines.”
No he wasn’t. If he was he would have not been listening to Fauci. We knew masks did nothing from day one. We also knew the shot fiend and Sufism distancing would create the actual pandemic and delay herd immunity. You know nothing about medicine or science sj please stop talking. We also knew that you never vaccinate people during a pandemic or you end up with variants. All of these things were well known.
“Trump was lied to and manipulated by deceitful, evil men”
So you are saying Trump was so STUPID he hired these snakes, refused to fire them, even when the whole world could see what they were, AND YOU WANT HIM TO DO IT AGAIN ??
Obviously, you can’t fix stupid.
It was vice President Pence that was working with Fauci, and I imagine he had an influence on Trump’s decision about the Jabs. I think Trump sincerely wanted to help people but he was surrounded by a lot of people who wanted something else. Remember, Pence turned on Trump and none of us knew who corrupt the CDC and other organizations were.
I think “Trump” was surrounded by JEWS.
I think JD Rucker should remove your idiotic & revolting posts.
I think you should try to prove me wrong, Jew.
Can’t do that, can you?
5 Reasons Every Nazi Feared Death by Thunderbolt | Military.com
The spike proteins from the virus and the ones generated by the vaccines are “essentially the same,” The spike proteins are the killer in either case. Mike Pence was the lead person in the production of the vaccine. He still has one more dagger to stick in Trump’s back. Around the world people are asking questions about people dying suddenly and the fog is being lifted. The CDC,FDA, Anthony Falsece and the news people are nor going to going to point fingers at themselves. The finger pointing is headed is President Trump’s direction. Pence is going to stick his last dagger in Trump’s back.
There is no “virus”.
According to a CHD calculator, Diamond had less than a 1-percent chance of dying from a heart attack/sudden cardiac arrest in 10-years, normally making her a statistical outlier, but since the COVID vaccine rollout, things have not been normal. It is as if Pres. Trump took a naked call position on the COVID vaccines, betting they would reduce deaths, but he bet wrong. In such a situation, one has to know when to cover their position because the upside is nearly unlimited. At this point, because the vaccines are basically slow-acting poisons, scarring the heart until it becomes electrically unstable, clumping red blood cells as well, making far too many who took the jab into ticking time-bombs, Trump is getting margin calls on his 2024 General Election dreams. With recent pharmaceutical debacles such as Vioxx, one wonders why Pres. Trump did not consider hedging his bet. The problem for Trump voters, like myself, is now we no he has the propensity to make reckless bets. Worse yet, he does not know when to fold’em.
Fakes and lies and BS
Five stages of grief: (1) denial, (2) anger, (3) bargaining, (4) depression, and (5) acceptance.
I believe we can assume that you are still at stage-1.
The “plandemic” WAS about Trump all along, I have a video clip that would get Fauci hanged in a different decade…
I’m sorry but overweight people “die suddenly” on a fairly regular basis. I love Diamond & Silk but neither of them have any discernable level of fitness. I do think the vaccines are causing a lot of unnecessary deaths but maybe not this one.
and the escalating evidence of hundreds of thousands and surely soon to be millions of cases of ‘DIED SUDDENLY’ throughout the jabbed nations? have you watched the documentary movie of the same name yet? If not you really should. The above normal death rate in jabbed nations is running at 17% over normal post-vaccine roll-out. Many of them are DYING-SUDDENLY’. The evil liars want us to accept the as the ‘new-normal’. Do not accept this lie.
“If it (the vaccine) doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know.”
Donald J. Trump
True statement. We all know now.
We all know who and what you are really
IS “Discern Report” aka “The Liberty Daily” controlled opposition? Why do they publish articles attacking Trump is it because they are RINOS?
Trump specifically said that IT SHOULD NOT BE MANDATORY!!! Face Masks, too. Discern Report knows that.
Trump specifically said the vaccine was good for elderly people. What vaccine did he take and what vaccine did he take and recommend? An approved vaccine does not actually exist and Discern Report knows that.
Trump also recommended hydroxychloroquine! Why does the RINO Discern Report ignore that?
Trump foiled the Globalist plan and saved America and the world, millions and millions of lives, by preventing a 15 year Lock-Down and shut down of businesses which would have meant the collapse of America ushering in Communist Totalitarian rule and genocide that would make Mao blush. He outsmarted them by developing an (good) emergency use vaccine that forced the Globalists to end the deadly Lock-downs.
Trump was faced with doctors, politicians, Deep State apparatchiks, all demanding shut-down and vaccines. If Trump said “do not take vaccine” he would have been pilloried and accused of plotting genocide. Instead he made it NOT MANDATORY and ended the lockdowns.
Trump saved the world he recommended old people consider it (not mandatory) but not young people and he encouraged alternatives such as Ivermectin, etc.
Discern Report and The Liberty Daily have lost your cred. Trump saved the world and is our best hope of defeating the enemy so why are you attacking him? It’s almost like you want him to fail? We were warned to beware of publishers that appear to be MAGA but are really not.
Trump is a Zionist Jew puppet…might be time to get your head out of your @$$.
ReichsWEF ‘23: Death Squared – by Will Zoll – Prussia Gate
ReichsWEF ‘23: Death Squared – by Will Zoll – Prussia Gate
ReichsWEF ‘23: Death Squared – by Will Zoll – Prussia Gate
www (DOT) prussiagate.substack (DOT) com/p/reichswef-23-death-squared
OHHH, WTF ever
And BTW, fyi, “communism” comes from “Judaism”.
PDJT a did not save the world at all – that is bizarre. As a matter of fact the US Govt & Fauci, used Taxpayer dollars to produce this Virus that was unleashed on the world, by the Chinese & some of it was carried out on PDJTs watch.
Now there are young people dropping dead all over the world from the Operation Warp Speed Jab that even I knew was rushed & not tested sufficiently.
Kary Mullis said not to use the PCR test & Malone said that mRNA was not suitable for the Jab, but the greedy Big Pharma went ahead anyway, again using our Tax Dollars.
Must be a disinfo bot
None if that happened. Trump made dumb decisions relying on dumb people. Period. Stop making excuses for him
Oh, I see, BLAME POTUS Trump is the NEW attack?
Lordy, these people NEVER give up…
The “Trump” puppet was bailed out by THE ROTHSCHILDS when he went broke.
I mean, really?
And every single one of his cabinet appointments were JEWS.
Not unlike BIDEN.
When are you people going to wake up to this?
An Ode to the Prussian Pickle – Part VI – by Will Zoll
ReichsWEF ‘23: Death Squared – by Will Zoll – Prussia Gate
prussiagate (.) substack (.) com/p/reichswef-23-death-squared
“As Voltaire once mused, “Prussia is not a nation. It is an army that controls nations.” Today, that army is an invisible enemy, hiding behind a complex matrix of globalist corporations. It has infiltrated governments and central banks worldwide. It has taken over national education systems and indoctrinated our youth to hate everything about their culture. At the helm of this monolithic beast sits the World Economic Forum, or as we have named it, the ReichsWEF.
In partnership with King Charles, the ReichsWEF have pronounced their new joint-venture to the world. That venture is The Great Reset. Charles and Klaus publicly launched the initiative early on in the Great Plandemic:
www (.) weforum (.) org/agenda/2020/06/the-great-reset-this-weeks-world-vs-virus-podcast/
What is the main purpose of the Great Reset? As we explained in An Ode to the Prussian Pickle series, it is a depopulation program that enslaves what’s left of humanity into a digital-identity prison. The world’s resources and supply chains will be controlled by member companies of the ReichsWEF, as well as “nature trusts” such as the WWF and the shady members of the 1001 Club….”
These are all neo-Prussian entities, adopting the same ideology that the Kingdom of Prussia relied on for centuries to maintain its power. That ideology is war.
Did Silk not say that Diamond died from the jab simply because the truth is that she didn’t?
Here’s another hypothetical: Is the Discern Report and the Liberty Daily a RINO controlled opposition?
You have no idea what she dyed from so shut up idiot.
Right….i agree
Like Ben Shapiro, everyone that publicly promoted vaccines–while denigrating early treatment–will have their come to Jesus moment. The eventual body-count will shortly overwhelm us all. No place to hide.
Scott Adam told him for sure. Too late. But it is all in h I s face now. No way at this point h e doesn’t know. If he didn’t, he does now.
And those Habs are a mass murder weapon, genocide actually. So this issue trymps every other thing anybody of either party has done. Pure evil. On its way to exceed both Hitler and Stalin.
Theyvwill reap w h a
Why are their stories like this?
They woman is hardly cold and already after an very good funeral and speech by Trump and her whole family there is a story trying to make innuendo and hidden hatred by her sister toward Trump??