(Natural News)—Democrats are in for a beating in 2024, as they are about to get blindsided by voters’ rejection of their disastrous, failed policies. Importantly, Democrats are unable to anticipate the wholesale rejection they will receive, as they live in a bubble of self-reinforced gaslighting and propaganda, remaining oblivious to the reality that’s turning against them.
Case in point: The war in Ukraine. Democrats actually believe Ukraine is winning the war, breaking through Russian defensive lines, sending the Russians scurrying home, demoralized and out-gunned by the “superior” firepower and training of the West. The reality is far different: Ukraine’s military is broken. Its remaining (surviving) soldiers are terrified and surrendering en masse. The West has nearly run out of munitions, and its military machinery lie in ruins, burned out and blown up, dotting the Ukrainian countryside like a graveyard of tracked metal skeletons.
Meanwhile, Ukraine’s much-touted “counteroffensive” has achieved virtually zero gains over the last three months. This counteroffensive mostly consists of Ukraine driving NATO tanks and infantry fighting vehicles into Russian mines, or being blown up by Russian KA-52 helicopter gunship strikes. Ukraine has reportedly lost 71,000 men in the three-month counteroffensive attempt, while also losing literally thousands of armored combat vehicles in the process.
Ukraine’s military effectiveness has collapsed, yet the West remains dedicated to gaslighting the world and lying to themselves about Ukraine’s “counteroffensive victory” that only exists in their own delusions, not in the real world.
Refusing to recognize reality, Democrat planners are betting on a 2024 Ukraine victory to propel Biden back into office. That’s why they will be blindsided when a Russian victory shows the world that the military might of NATO is no match against Russia. The rout of Ukrainian and NATO troops will be seen by world leaders as yet another disastrous failure of the US military (remember the Afghanistan withdrawal panic under Biden?) and a clear-cut demonstration that the U.S. is incapable of projecting military power in any sort of effective way. (The ramifications for Taiwan are obvious. China is taking notes…)
While the U.S. military is focused on transgenderism, drag queen recruiters and virtual signaling nonsense, the Russian military is mastering the art of eliminating the enemy with overwhelming force and aggression. Guess which philosophy is more likely to win battles?
The coming banking crisis
A U.S. banking crisis is also in the cards between now and Election Day, with the cascading failure of numerous U.S. banks now a near-certainty. Sharp increases in interest rates have put many banks in a precarious situation, where customer deposits have been reinvested in low-interest, long-term government bonds and similar debt instruments, forcing severe losses onto the banks when customers withdraw their money (forcing those banks to sell their long-term debt at extreme losses).
At some point soon, more banks reach a tipping point of insolvency, and the contagion spreads far beyond what we witnessed in March of this year, which itself was the largest bank collapse in U.S. history (even dwarfing the deposits of the 2008 subprime mortgage collapse).
The inevitable result will be a deposit freeze, bank closures, withdrawal limits or some other form of closing off customer access to their own deposits. This, combined with the fact that the dollar is losing more and more of its purchasing power with each passing day means that even those who don’t lose all their money in the banks will still lose purchasing power. As groceries, gas and rent become increasingly unaffordable, more and more voters are going to point the finger at Biden and the Democrats, and they will welcome change.
The Democrats don’t see any of this coming because they still believe the government’s lies about low inflation and “Bidenomics” being a great success.
In reality, Bidenomics is no more of a success than is the NATO effort to defeat Russia in Ukraine.
The RFK factor
Democrats are also about to be blindsided by RFK, Jr. who is rising so quickly that both Trump and Biden should be legitimately worried. RFK, Jr. offers cross-party appeal like no other candidate, and it has been reported that 25% of Democrats would vote for RFK Jr. if he ran as an independent. Since he is being blackballed by the DNC — an organization that despises actual democracy or anything resembling fair elections — RFK, Jr. is almost certain to leave the Democrat plantation and run as an independent or with another party, such as the No Labels party, or perhaps the Green Party. (See more about RFK, Jr. at www.Kennedy24.com)
This development will drive a stake through the heart of the Biden campaign, because losing 25% of Democrat voters will make it extremely difficult for Dems to cheat their way across the remaining chasm of missing voters. Granted, they are experts at rigging elections and printing fake ballots to be run through the voting machines, but there’s a limit to how much cheating they can get away with. Plus, with more Americans suffering now than ever before, there’s the question of how many Americans are willing to go along with cheating for Biden when there’s a candidate like RFK whose main attraction for Dems is that he isn’t Trump. Plus, RFK, Jr. is mentally sharp, has a solid grasp on all the issues of our time, and has declared war on the censorship industrial complex as well as the pharma vaccine machine that now infests governments, corporations and media.
RFK, Jr. is a political force to be reckoned with. He recently raised $2.2 million in one evening in Los Angeles, thanks to musician Eric Clapton performing at a benefit, demonstrating RFK’s cross-party appeal. And while Trump is still taking credit for the COVID jabs and thinks the world owes him a debt of gratitude for rushing the vaccines into widespread adoption, RFK, Jr. has the courage to tell the truth about how these vaccines are maiming and murdering millions around the world.
(Note to all: If Trump cannot condemn Fauci, Pfizer and the covid jab after all the truth has come out over the last three years, he will never maintain widespread support among conservatives who are fully aware of the depopulation agenda behind the plandemic…)
Saudi Arabia and Russia cooperate to spike fuel prices
Another issue that’s about to blindside Democrats is rising fuel costs. After draining the nation’s strategic petroleum reserves, the Biden regime has gutted U.S. energy infrastructure, making the United States highly vulnerable to the energy policies (and attacks) waged against the U.S. by other nations.
Over the last several months, Saudi Arabia has slashed oil output and has extended its supply reduction for an indefinite period, contributing to rising global oil prices and increased costs for U.S. consumers at the pump.
Last week, Russia announced a ban on diesel and gasoline exports, sharply reducing global supply of both fuels, causing a ripple effect of increased prices across all energy-consuming nations, including the USA. The net effect of both the Saudi Arabia production reduction and the Russian export ban will be increased prices for fuel for U.S. consumers. This, in turn, will be impossible for the gaslighting corporate media to cover up, as the price people pay at the pump can’t be obfuscated.
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With groceries and gas continuing to skyrocket in price — as the purchasing power of the dollar collapses — an increasing number of voters are going to realize that Biden and the Democrats are leading America into economic despair. This will substantially hurt the Dems in the 2024 election, even as most Democrats don’t see this coming because they believe the media lies and refuse to talk to real people living in real America.
Will there even be an election in 2024?
As Democrats become increasingly aware that the American people are rejecting their failed policies, they will resort to desperate measures to rig the 2024 election. They may even try to cancel it, just as Zelensky has cancelled elections in Ukraine, making himself a wartime dictator. (Remind me again why we’re fighting for “democracy” in a nation that doesn’t resemble democracy in the least? Gonzalo Lira, an American citizen, is still imprisoned in Ukraine for committing “speech crimes” on YouTube, by the way.)
Already, Hillary Clinton is pre-blaming Russia for interfering in the upcoming 2024 election. “He’ll do it again,” she warns, as covered by Breitbart.com. In a time when Trump and his allies are being criminally indicted for questioning the 2020 election, Hillary Clinton can apparently question any elections she wants, as long as the claims are designed to politically harm trump. From the story, speaking out of pure projection because this is exactly what Clinton and the Democrats do, Clinton says of Putin:
“I don’t think, despite all of the deniers, there is any doubt that he interfered in our election, or that he has interfered in many ways in the internal affairs of other countries, funding political parties, funding political candidates, buying off government officials in different places,” she said.
“He hates democracy. He particularly hates the West, and he especially hates us. And he has determined that he can do two things simultaneously. He can try to continue to damage and divide us internally, and he’s quite good at it,” she added.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for Hillary Clinton to be indicted for claiming an election was stolen, by the way. We live under a tyrannical regime characterized by selective prosecution of political enemies, which serves as yet another market of the totalitarian, fascist nature of the Democrats currently in power. Their arrogance, however, has become their weakness, as they are too blinded by their own sense of power to take an honest look at how the real world is shifting beneath their feet.
The engineered crisis
If we approach the 2024 election and Democrats don’t think they can cheat their way to victory, they will likely unleash a false flag event to create a crisis that results in the cancellation of the 2024 election. Such an event could invoke one or more of the following:
- A nuclear bomb false flag attack on a US city, to be blamed on Russia.
- A cyber warfare false flag that takes down the US power grid and can be blamed on Russia or China.
- The initiation of World War III with Russia through an engineered false flag event involving nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.
- An engineered bioweapons release (i.e. “COVID 2.0”) followed by a lockdown mandate and depop vaccine push.
- An engineered banking crisis / debt collapse that plunges the U.S. into a domestic emergency.
- An engineered “revolt” / insurrection theatrical production that pretends a civil war has begun — all played by feds wearing conservative costumes — handing the Biden regime an excuse to declare martial law and cancel elections until the “uprising” can be halted.
You get the idea. Whatever crisis is needed to stay in power will be invoked at the appropriate time, and the gaslighting corporate media will reinforce the theatrical production with whatever level of psychological terrorism is necessary to scare people into accepting orders from the tyrants.
This is what they did with COVID, and it worked for a while. But far greater numbers of people are now fully “red pilled” and are skeptical of any claims of emergencies coming from the Biden regime or the captured corporate media. It is very unlikely that a new engineered crisis would be anywhere close to convincing a majority of the voters to fall for it. More than likely, it will only demonstrate the desperation of the regime while generating even more rejection of their nefarious tactics.
The Democrats are in for a beating in 2024. And in an effort to maintain their grip on power, they are willing to unleash absolutely anything — including murdering their own citizens — to try to prevent Trump (or anyone they don’t control) from taking office.
Get more details on all this in today’s Brighteon Broadcast News:
- When the West LOSES the war in #Ukraine there will be enormous political implications
- RFK, Jr. is almost certain to leave the Dems and run third party, taking 25% of Dem voters with him
- #Trump now leads #Biden by 10 points in WashPost / ABC poll; Dems begin to panic
- Blacks, Hispanics are trending away from Dems and embracing Trump
- Accelerating #inflation, city CRIME, rising fuel costs and violence will all worsen the outlook for Dems
- Watch for desperate Dems to launch false flag event or start World War III to try to CANCEL elections
- Oct. 4 emergency broadcast will NOT unleash a zombie apocalypse; it will just be a test
- Canadian parliament CHEERS for actual World War II Waffen SS #Nazi who fought Russians
- Trudeau honors Nazi with standing ovation, proving Canadian government celebrates Nazis
- #Zelensky appoints “spirit cooking” satanist to be an official ambassador
- The West is on the wrong side of history, embracing Nazis, satanists, pedophiles and child mutilators
- The LGBT agenda pushed by the West is rooted in satanism, child exploitation and pure EVIL
- Special report: Catholic priest Padre Pio’s End Times warning: THREE days of darkness
- Jesus told him to warn the world about God’s wrath being unleashed with a giant meteor striking Earth
- Floods, fires and toxic fallout that buries people, and “men of science” will not be saved
- Prepare for 3 months of supply chains not functioning after the impact
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Independent Journalism Is Dying
Ever since President Trump’s miraculous victory, we’ve heard an incessant drumbeat about how legacy media is dying. This is true. The people have awakened to the reality that they’re being lied to by the self-proclaimed “Arbiters of Truth” for the sake of political expediency, corporate self-protection, and globalist ambitions.
But even as independent journalism rises to fill the void left by legacy media, there is still a huge challenge. Those at the top of independent media like Joe Rogan, Dan Bongino, and Tucker Carlson are thriving and rightly so. They have earned their audience and the financial rewards that come from it. They’ve taken risks and worked hard to get to where they are.
For “the rest of us,” legacy media and their proxies are making it exceptionally difficult to survive, let alone thrive. They still have a stranglehold over the “fact checkers” who have a dramatic impact on readership and viewership. YouTube, Facebook, and Google still stifle us. The freer speech platforms like Rumble and 𝕏 can only reward so many of their popular content creators. For independent journalists on the outside looking in, our only recourse is to rely on affiliates and sponsors.
But even as it seems nearly impossible to make a living, there are blessings that should not be disregarded. By highlighting strong sponsors who share our America First worldview, we have been able to make lifelong connections and even a bit of revenue to help us along. This is why we enjoy symbiotic relationships with companies like MyPillow, Jase Medical, and Promised Grounds. We help them with our recommendations and they reward us with money when our audience buys from them.
The same can be said about our preparedness sponsor, Prepper All-Naturals. Their long-term storage beef has a 25-year shelf life and is made with one ingredient: All-American Beef.
Even our faith-driven precious metals sponsor helps us tremendously while also helping Americans protect their life’s savings. We are blessed to work with them.
Independent media is the future. In many ways, that future is already here. While the phrase, “the more the merrier,” does not apply to this business because there are still some bad actors in the independent media field, there are many great ones that do not get nearly enough attention. We hope to change that one content creator at a time.
Thank you and God Bless,
JD Rucker