The label “conspiracy theorist” is usually used as a pejorative. Following the JFK assassination, the CIA established a gaslighting and brainwashing campaign to demonize those that question the official narrative. Thus, the term “conspiracy theorist” has been normalized to represent a tinfoil-hat-wearing lunatic.
The reality is quite the opposite in most cases. Objectively, there are conspiracies in this world that are kept secret from the public and the only thing we have to describe them are theories. But as we’ve learned time and again, many of these theories have been proven to be partially or even completely accurate.
One does not have to think Paul McCartney was killed in the 1960s and replaced by a doppelganger to keep the Beatles going in order to be a conspiracy theorist. One needs only to recognize that the various forces of darkness will do whatever it takes to move their machinations forward from the shadows.
Twitter user TheThe1776 put together an incredible thread that highlights many of those who have died in recent years while exposing evil. Invariably, these deaths have been covered up, but the truth is known by some. It’s important that we remember these people and the missions they were on when they were killed. Here’s the thread:
1)This thread is to HONOR the heroes who were Permanently silenced for trying to expose sex trafficking, organ harvesting, and/or Pedogate.
They are #GoneButNotForgotten and may they RIP??#KilleryIsTheMostEvilPersonOnThePlanet
Also thanking the Heroes who continue fighting to help exposed Child Sex Trafficking while rescuing Children from being Trafficked may God continue to protect them and keep them safe??#SaveTheChildren #EndSexTrafficking
1)This thread is to HONOR the heroes who were Permanently silenced for trying to expose sex trafficking, organ harvesting, and/or Pedogate.
They are #GoneButNotForgotten and may they RIP??#KilleryIsTheMostEvilPersonOnThePlanetAlso thanking the Heroes who continue fighting to…
— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) May 18, 2023
2) Nancy Schaefer exposed Child Sex Trafficking and the real truth behind Child Protective Services: “I will share with you on the unlimited power of Child Protective Service. I served in the Georgia State Senate and after four years of viewing the ruthless and unsparing actions of Child Protective Services..I wrote a scathing report entitled The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services. The report cost me my Senate seat However there are causes worth losing over, and this is one.” In Nancy’s speeches, she talked about children being removed from their homes for profit due to incentives from the state. In 1997 Bill Clinton passed a bill called the “Adoption and Safe Families Act.” It offers financial incentives from the state that increase adoption numbers. Nancy says “To receive the adoption incentives or bonuses, local CPS must have more children, they must have more merchandise to sell. Funding is available when a child is placed in a foster home with strangers, or placed in a mental health facility and medicated usually against the parents wishes. Parents are victimized by the system, that makes a profit for holding children longer and bonuses for not returning children to their parents. This is abuse of power. It is lack of accountability and it is a growing criminal political phenomenon spreading around the globe…” This corruption needs to be exposed because Many families have been destroyed for their profit! R.I.P. Nancy Schaefer??
3) Ted Gunderson is an EX-FBI chief and whistleblower. He exposed:
- Satanism in the CIA
- Chemtrails are real
- Terrorists attacks and 9/11 are done by our own government
- Drug running
- MK Ultra mind control
- The IllumiNATTI
This was why he was silenced… R.I.P. Ted Gunderson??
3)Ted Gunderson is an EX-FBI chief and whistleblower.
He exposed:
◦Satanism in the CIA
◦Chemtrails are real
◦Terrorists attacks and 9/11 are done by our own government
◦Drug running
◦MK Ultra mind control
◦The IllumiNATTI
This was why he was silenced…
R.I.P. Ted…— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) May 18, 2023
4) Andrew Breitbart died shortly after revealing John Podesta and associates to be monsters. He brought attention to the pedophile networks ran by the Podesta Brothers and Clinton. And also during a CPAC, Breitbart revealed that he had acquired damning tapes of Obama at Harvard.
5) Michael Hastings was exposing pedogate, leading to the firing of General McChrystal. All linked to Clinton and Podesta.
5) Michael Hastings was exposing pedogate, leading to the firing of General McChrystal. All linked to Clinton and Podesta.
— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) May 18, 2023
6) Paul Walker co-founded Reach Out WorldWide (ROWW) in 2010 which is a nonprofit that helps bring first responders to disaster area. Paul was set to come forward to expose the Clinton Foundations crimes against children in Haiti which he had discovered through his charity work.
7) Steve Elmendorf, worked for Monsanto, sent an email to John Podesta three days before Scalia was found dead, 2/13/16, after a party. It mentions “wetworks”, code for assassination. Removing Scalia opened a Supreme Court seat, and allowed Monsanto to go unchallenged.
7)Steve Elmendorf, worked for Monsanto, sent an email to John Podesta three days before Scalia was found dead, 2/13/16, after a party. It mentions “wetworks", code for assassination.
Removing Scalia opened a Supreme Court seat, and allowed Monsanto to go unchallenged.— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) May 18, 2023
8) Seth Rich was a DNC insider, NOT a Russian hacker. An anonymous source named Guccifer 2.0 said to have released information to Wikileaks regarding the Podesta Files, and later stated the information was from Seth Rich, who was working at the Democratic party at the time. During the 2016 Presidential election, the Clintons illegally laundered millions of large donations from Hollywood and foreign Clinton Foundation donors via DNC to the Clinton Campaign. The scheme required the manufacture of voter and donor data to break the donations up into thousands of smaller $2,700 chunks, the maximum allowed by law, to appear legal. Seth Rich’s job gave him access to this data. The July 2016 Wikileaks DNC email leaks consist of emails from only 7 DNC execs. 5 of the 7 were in charge of DNC Finance Operations and the illegal Clinton Campaign money laundering scheme. Seth Rich wanted to expose this corruption and give Bernie Sanders a fighting chance. Exposing these Federal campaign finance law violations would’ve brought Federal charges that would have destroyed Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
9) Chris Cornell had a Foundation with his wife Vicky that was set up to help neglected children and also worked with a number of charities that worked with children rescued from child trafficking networks. During his charitable work, Chris Cornell had discovered a “black book” of names for an Elite pedophile ring that was part of a global child abuse network. Sources close to Cornell revealed that he was planning on going public with the names shortly before he was found dead. Chris also worked with the Clinton Administration on a CPP service out of Haiti that was later found out to be a human trafficking ring. The Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office ruled Cornell’s death a suicide by hanging, but his autopsy report showed that he had head trauma and 9 cracked ribs. With 9 cracked ribs it would be impossible for Chris to performed the night of his death. He was in the middle of a tour w/Soundgarden & more importantly he would NEVER leave his kids behind.
9) Chris Cornell had a Foundation with his wife Vicky that was set up to help neglected children and also worked with a number of charities that worked with children rescued from child trafficking networks. During his charitable work, Chris Cornell had discovered a “black book”…
— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) May 18, 2023
10) Chester Bennington worked with Chris Cornell to expose pedophilia leading to Podesta and Clinton. He died in the same manner as Chris Cornell, Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain and a few other who were all hung on doorknob. There are rumors that Chester was John Podesta illegitimate son. Oddly, Lawrence Rockefeller, John Podesta and Chester Bennington resemblance is uncanny?.
11) Barry founded Apotex, a manufacturer of generic drugs, specifically HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE. Also a drug company that supplied medications to Haiti and Puerto Rico, through the Clinton Foundation.
11) Barry founded Apotex, a manufacturer of generic drugs, specifically HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE. Also a drug company that supplied medications to Haiti and Puerto Rico, through the Clinton Foundation.
— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) May 18, 2023
12) After his death, it emerged that Avicii was working to expose the music industry and the worldwide pedophile ring. Avicii was known to be incredibly generous and donated millions of dollars towards hunger relief, sex trafficking, and gang violence. One of his videos began to recirculate in which he attempts to expose child trafficking.
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13) Kate Spade sold her company in 2006 to raise her daughter, before launching another fashion design venture in 2015, “Frances Valentine”. Kate Spade a famous designer who had worked with the Clinton Foundation in the No Ceilings Initiative and did work in Haiti for Hillary. Kate’s daughter had become a target, and that’s why she was ready to name names and speak out. Anthony Bourdain June 8 and Inés Zorreguieta June 9 were found hanging in the same week Kate Spade was. The three murders are connected. All of these people were involved in exposing child sex trafficking .
13) Kate Spade sold her company in 2006 to raise her daughter, before launching another fashion design venture in 2015, "Frances Valentine". Kate Spade a famous designer who had worked with the Clinton Foundation in the No Ceilings Initiative and did work in Haiti for Hillary.…
— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) May 18, 2023
14) Ines Zorreguieta is best known as the baby sister of Queen Maxima of the Netherlands. Ines was a psychologist who worked as a researcher for the United Nations and Argentina’s Ministry of Social Development. She was an official of the National Secretariat for Children, Youth, and Family. After her father died, Ines Zorreguieta decided to clean and make some inventory of his properties, and what she found would be instrumental in her demise. Ines accidentally found a video gallery and blackmail vault. These films exposed several HUGE political figures from the ’70s and ’80s raping women and children on film.
15) Anthony Bourdain TV show made emphasis in showing the tragedies of war and genocide, especially when visiting violence-afflicted nations. Many suspect he was murdered because he went hard after the Clinton crime syndicate challenging their hypocrisy with Harvey Weinstein and Haiti. Chris Cornell met with Anthony Bourdain backstage at The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in April 2017. They discussed Chris’s involvement in “The Promise” a film about the Armenian genocide. He was shedding light on pedogate and Armenian Genocide in a newer episode of his show, but what sealed his fate was witnessing the rape and murder of a young boy at Le Chateau Marmont at the hands of Adam Schiff. Bourdain’s ‘suicide’ 3 days after fashion designer Kate Spade ‘suicide’. Like Bourdain, Spade was also found hanging from a doorknob.
15) Anthony Bourdain TV show made emphasis in showing the tragedies of war and genocide, especially when visiting violence-afflicted nations. Many suspect he was murdered because he went hard after the Clinton crime syndicate challenging their hypocrisy with Harvey Weinstein and…
— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) May 18, 2023
16) In 2018 Natacha Jaitt went live on television and exposed a Pedophile Ring that was made up of members of high level of society! (Journalists, politicians, actors, religious figures and TV producers). She accused Gustavo Vera and Carlos Pagni of being the biggest human traffickers in the country. One player denounced four phone numbers used to pay children to have sex with adults. She later testified to the prosecutor of the Office of Avellaneda, which led to seven people detained. She was in fear for her life, even going to the extent of claiming, “I will not commit suicide. I won’t be bought off or drown in a bathtub, nor will I shoot myself in the head. So, if that happens, IT WASN’T ME.” after that she died of an overdose. Natacha was not only denouncing recent crimes, but she was also getting intel from Ines Zorreguieta and was very public about her knowledge about the films that her friend Ines Zorreguieta found. Even after the murder of her friends, she was brave and relentless. Thanks to her, there were results out of an investigation about the sexual abuse of minors at Independiente in 2018. They were both friends with famous DJ Avicii, who was murdered on April 20, 2018. Avicii was in contact with Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, and Anthony Bourdain. These men were all murdered and set up to look like suicides by hanging.
17) Joao Teixeira de Faria aka John of God was Bill Clinton’s ‘faith healer’ and was promoted as a ‘faith healer’ by Oprah Winfrey. His world was toppled with allegations from one of his patients. Zahira Lieneke Mous a Dutch dance choreographer. also his own daughter, Dalva Teixeira called him a “monster” and claiming he molested her as a child. Since then, over 300 women worldwide have joined in Brazil’s first #MeToo scandal. Faria was arrested because of Sabrina Bittencourt investigations of Faria’s sexual assaults. She said he was running a sex slave farm and a baby trafficking operation. The young girls were sex slaves and forced to birth multiple babies and then murdered after 10 years of captivity. These babies were then sold on a worldwide black market to childless couples for $20,000 – $50,000 each. Sabrina Bittencourt was abused herself, from age 4 by members of the Mormon church family. At 16, she became pregnant by one of her rapists and aborted. Sabrina had dedicated her life to helping victims of abuse. Her main focus was sexual abuse by religious leaders such as Prem Baba and “John of God”. In a video interview with the editor of CartaCapital, she promised to unmask 13 more religious leaders. It is hard to believe that she would commit suicide when she had 13 other prominent religious leaders to expose for sexual abuses and her eldest son Gabriel Baum confirmed her death, writing on Facebook: “She took the last step so that we could live. They killed my mother.”
17) Joao Teixeira de Faria aka John of God was Bill Clinton’s ‘faith healer’ and was promoted as a ‘faith healer’ by Oprah Winfrey.
His world was toppled with allegations from one of his patients. Zahira Lieneke Mous a Dutch dance choreographer. also his own daughter, Dalva…— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) May 18, 2023
18) Isaac Kappy was an Actor. On May 13, 2019 they said Kappy committed suicide by jumping off an overpass into oncoming traffic in Arizona. Isaac Kappy did not kill himself. There are videos where he says he’s not suicidal. He was murdered for exposing the truth about people in Hollywood being in a pedophile blackmail “cult” and were involved in human trafficking, pedophilia, cannibalism, satanic torture.
19) Robert David Steele chief consultant of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse was red-pilling the masses and exposed human trafficking, child pedophilia, the SATANIC Elite governments around the world, and killed and sacrificed to the devil for reasons of power. He was a man on a mission which frighten the US intelligence establishment to its core. The CIA wasn’t happy and ensured that Steele was prohibited from running a second conference. The clash prompted him to resign from his position as second-ranking civilian in Marine Corps intelligence, and pursue the open source paradigm elsewhere. He went on to found and head up the Open Source Solutions Network Inc. and later the non-profit Earth Intelligence Network which runs the Public Intelligence Blog.
19) Robert David Steele chief consultant of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse was red-pilling the masses and exposed human trafficking, child pedophilia, the SATANIC Elite governments around the world, and killed and sacrificed to the…
— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) May 18, 2023
20) Anne Heche reportedly got a red wig from a store 25 min before she crashed trying to run away from someone. Anne Heche was not impaired by illicit substances at time of crash, coroner says. Toxicology results detected the presence of drugs given to the actor while she was hospitalized but not at the time of her car crash. Investigators told ABC News no alcohol was detected in Heche’s blood sample. Anne Heche had finished work on a movie, which looks into the dark underworld of the human trafficking industry. She Exposed the business of the Pedophile by wanting to talk about it and she knew more than she should!
21) Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound in La Orchila, Venezuela. Musicians Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were about to expose some of their friends and acquaintances. The people they were exposing participated in the same human trafficking rings involving Jeffrey Epstein and James Alefantis.
Isn’t it interesting that Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Avicii, and Anthony Bourdain all committed suicide while working on a documentary called “The Silent Children”. Chris Cornell was the main financial backer for the documentary “The Silent Children” about child sex trafficking. After he died, the project was cancelled. Chester Bennington band Linkin Park was going to contribute music.
21) Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound in La Orchila, Venezuela. Musicians Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were about to expose some of their friends and acquaintances. The people they were exposing participated in the same human trafficking rings involving Jeffrey Epstein…
— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) May 18, 2023
Take what you will from this thread. Believe all of it. Believe some of it. But if you believe none of it, then you should probably go back to watching CNN or Fox News for your safe dose of lies.
Independent Journalism Is Dying
Ever since President Trump’s miraculous victory, we’ve heard an incessant drumbeat about how legacy media is dying. This is true. The people have awakened to the reality that they’re being lied to by the self-proclaimed “Arbiters of Truth” for the sake of political expediency, corporate self-protection, and globalist ambitions.
But even as independent journalism rises to fill the void left by legacy media, there is still a huge challenge. Those at the top of independent media like Joe Rogan, Dan Bongino, and Tucker Carlson are thriving and rightly so. They have earned their audience and the financial rewards that come from it. They’ve taken risks and worked hard to get to where they are.
For “the rest of us,” legacy media and their proxies are making it exceptionally difficult to survive, let alone thrive. They still have a stranglehold over the “fact checkers” who have a dramatic impact on readership and viewership. YouTube, Facebook, and Google still stifle us. The freer speech platforms like Rumble and 𝕏 can only reward so many of their popular content creators. For independent journalists on the outside looking in, our only recourse is to rely on affiliates and sponsors.
But even as it seems nearly impossible to make a living, there are blessings that should not be disregarded. By highlighting strong sponsors who share our America First worldview, we have been able to make lifelong connections and even a bit of revenue to help us along. This is why we enjoy symbiotic relationships with companies like MyPillow, Jase Medical, and Promised Grounds. We help them with our recommendations and they reward us with money when our audience buys from them.
The same can be said about our preparedness sponsor, Prepper All-Naturals. Their long-term storage beef has a 25-year shelf life and is made with one ingredient: All-American Beef.
Even our faith-driven precious metals sponsor helps us tremendously while also helping Americans protect their life’s savings. We are blessed to work with them.
Independent media is the future. In many ways, that future is already here. While the phrase, “the more the merrier,” does not apply to this business because there are still some bad actors in the independent media field, there are many great ones that do not get nearly enough attention. We hope to change that one content creator at a time.
Thank you and God Bless,
JD Rucker